gettext: PO Mode

 8.3 Emacs’s PO File Editor
    For those of you being the lucky users of Emacs, PO mode has been
 specifically created for providing a cozy environment for editing or
 modifying PO files.  While editing a PO file, PO mode allows for the
 easy browsing of auxiliary and compendium PO files, as well as for
 following references into the set of C program sources from which PO
 files have been derived.  It has a few special features, among which are
 the interactive marking of program strings as translatable, and the
 validation of PO files with easy repositioning to PO file lines showing
DONTPRINTYET     For the beginning, besides main PO mode commands (⇒Main PO
 Commands), you should know how to move between entries (*noteEntry
DONTPRINTYET DONTPRINTYET     For the beginning, besides main PO mode commands (⇒Main PO
 Commands), you should know how to move between entries (⇒Entry

 Positioning), and how to handle untranslated entries (*noteDONTPRINTYET DONTPRINTYET     For the beginning, besides main PO mode commands (⇒Main PO
 Commands), you should know how to move between entries (⇒Entry

 Positioning), and how to handle untranslated entries (⇒
 Untranslated Entries).
