grub: Multi-boot manual config

 6.4 Multi-boot manual config
 Currently autogenerating config files for multi-boot environments
 depends on os-prober and has several shortcomings.  Due to that it is
 disabled by default.  It is advised to use the power of GRUB syntax and
 do it yourself.  A possible configuration is detailed here, feel free to
 adjust to your needs.
    First create a separate GRUB partition, big enough to hold GRUB. Some
 of the following entries show how to load OS installer images from this
 same partition, for that you obviously need to make the partition large
 enough to hold those images as well.  Mount this partition on/mnt/boot
 and disable GRUB in all OSes and manually install self-compiled latest
 GRUB with:
    'grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda'
    In all the OSes install GRUB tools but disable installing GRUB in
 bootsector, so you'll have menu.lst and grub.cfg available for use.
 Also disable os-prober use by setting:
    in /etc/default/grub
    Then write a grub.cfg (/mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg):
      menuentry "OS using grub2" {
         insmod xfs
         search --set=root --label OS1 --hint hd0,msdos8
         configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg
      menuentry "OS using grub2-legacy" {
         insmod ext2
         search --set=root --label OS2 --hint hd0,msdos6
         legacy_configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst
      menuentry "Windows XP" {
         insmod ntfs
         search --set=root --label WINDOWS_XP --hint hd0,msdos1
         ntldr /ntldr
      menuentry "Windows 7" {
         insmod ntfs
         search --set=root --label WINDOWS_7 --hint hd0,msdos2
         ntldr /bootmgr
      menuentry "FreeBSD" {
                insmod zfs
                search --set=root --label freepool --hint hd0,msdos7
                kfreebsd /freebsd@/boot/kernel/kernel
                kfreebsd_module_elf /freebsd@/boot/kernel/opensolaris.ko
                kfreebsd_module_elf /freebsd@/boot/kernel/zfs.ko
                kfreebsd_module /freebsd@/boot/zfs/zpool.cache type=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
                set kFreeBSD.vfs.root.mountfrom=zfs:freepool/freebsd
                set kFreeBSD.hw.psm.synaptics_support=1
      menuentry "experimental GRUB" {
                search --set=root --label GRUB --hint hd0,msdos5
                multiboot /experimental/grub/i386-pc/core.img
      menuentry "Fedora 16 installer" {
                search --set=root --label GRUB --hint hd0,msdos5
                linux /fedora/vmlinuz lang=en_US keymap=sg resolution=1280x800
                initrd /fedora/initrd.img
      menuentry "Fedora rawhide installer" {
                search --set=root --label GRUB --hint hd0,msdos5
                linux /fedora/vmlinuz repo= lang=en_US keymap=sg resolution=1280x800
                initrd /fedora/initrd.img
      menuentry "Debian sid installer" {
                search --set=root --label GRUB --hint hd0,msdos5
                linux /debian/dists/sid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/vmlinuz
                initrd /debian/dists/sid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/initrd.gz
    * Argument to search after -label is FS LABEL. You can also use UUIDs
      with -fs-uuid UUID instead of -label LABEL. You could also use
      direct 'root=hd0,msdosX' but this is not recommended due to device
      name instability.