grub: Theme file format

 7 Theme file format
 7.1 Introduction
 The GRUB graphical menu supports themes that can customize the layout
 and appearance of the GRUB boot menu.  The theme is configured through a
 plain text file that specifies the layout of the various GUI components
 (including the boot menu, timeout progress bar, and text messages) as
 well as the appearance using colors, fonts, and images.  Example is
 available in docs/example_theme.txt
 7.2 Theme Elements
 7.2.1 Colors
 Colors can be specified in several ways:
    * HTML-style "#RRGGBB" or "#RGB" format, where *R*, *G*, and *B* are
      hexadecimal digits (e.g., "#8899FF")
    * as comma-separated decimal RGB values (e.g., "128, 128, 255")
    * with "SVG 1.0 color names" (e.g., "cornflowerblue") which must be
      specified in lowercase.
 7.2.2 Fonts
 The fonts GRUB uses "PFF2 font format" bitmap fonts.  Fonts are
 specified with full font names.  Currently there is no provision for a
 preference list of fonts, or deriving one font from another.  Fonts are
 loaded with the "loadfont" command in GRUB (⇒loadfont).  To see
 the list of loaded fonts, execute the "lsfonts" command (⇒
 lsfonts).  If there are too many fonts to fit on screen, do "set
 pager=1" before executing "lsfonts".
 7.2.3 Progress Bar
 Figure 7.1
 Figure 7.2
 Progress bars are used to display the remaining time before GRUB boots
 the default menu entry.  To create a progress bar that will display the
 remaining time before automatic boot, simply create a "progress_bar"
 component with the id "__timeout__".  This indicates to GRUB that the
 progress bar should be updated as time passes, and it should be made
 invisible if the countdown to automatic boot is interrupted by the user.
    Progress bars may optionally have text displayed on them.  This text
 is controlled by variable "text" which contains a printf template with
 the only argument %d is the number of seconds remaining.  Additionally
 replaced with standard and translated templates.
 7.2.4 Circular Progress Indicator
 The circular progress indicator functions similarly to the progress bar.
 When given an id of "__timeout__", GRUB updates the circular progress
 indicator's value to indicate the time remaining.  For the circular
 progress indicator, there are two images used to render it: the *center*
 image, and the *tick* image.  The center image is rendered in the center
 of the component, while the tick image is used to render each mark along
 the circumference of the indicator.
 7.2.5 Labels
 Text labels can be placed on the boot screen.  The font, color, and
 horizontal alignment can be specified for labels.  If a label is given
 the id "__timeout__", then the "text" property for that label is also
 updated with a message informing the user of the number of seconds
 remaining until automatic boot.  This is useful in case you want the
 text displayed somewhere else instead of directly on the progress bar.
 7.2.6 Boot Menu
 The boot menu where GRUB displays the menu entries from the "grub.cfg"
 file.  It is a list of items, where each item has a title and an
 optional icon.  The icon is selected based on the *classes* specified
 for the menu entry.  If there is a PNG file named "myclass.png" in the
 "grub/themes/icons" directory, it will be displayed for items which have
 the class *myclass*.  The boot menu can be customized in several ways,
 such as the font and color used for the menu entry title, and by
 specifying styled boxes for the menu itself and for the selected item
 7.2.7 Styled Boxes
 One of the most important features for customizing the layout is the use
 of *styled boxes*.  A styled box is composed of 9 rectangular (and
 potentially empty) regions, which are used to seamlessly draw the styled
 box on screen:
 Northwest (nw)         North (n)              Northeast (ne)
 West (w)               Center (c)             East (e)
 Southwest (sw)         South (s)              Southeast (se)
    To support any size of box on screen, the center slice and the slices
 for the top, bottom, and sides are all scaled to the correct size for
 the component on screen, using the following rules:
   1. The edge slices (north, south, east, and west) are scaled in the
      direction of the edge they are adjacent to.  For instance, the west
      slice is scaled vertically.
   2. The corner slices (northwest, northeast, southeast, and southwest)
      are not scaled.
   3. The center slice is scaled to fill the remaining space in the
    As an example of how an image might be sliced up, consider the styled
 box used for a terminal view.
 Figure 7.3
 7.2.8 Creating Styled Box Images
 The Inkscape_ scalable vector graphics editor is a very useful tool for
 creating styled box images.  One process that works well for slicing a
 drawing into the necessary image slices is:
   1. Create or open the drawing you'd like use.
   2. Create a new layer on the top of the layer stack.  Make it visible.
      Select this layer as the current layer.
   3. Draw 9 rectangles on your drawing where you'd like the slices to
      be.  Clear the fill option, and set the stroke to 1 pixel wide
      solid stroke.  The corners of the slices must meet precisely; if it
      is off by a single pixel, it will probably be evident when the
      styled box is rendered in the GRUB menu.  You should probably go to
      File | Document Properties | Grids and enable a grid or create a
      guide (click on one of the rulers next to the drawing and drag over
      the drawing; release the mouse button to place the guide) to help
      place the rectangles precisely.
   4. Right click on the center slice rectangle and choose Object
      Properties.  Change the "Id" to "slice_c" and click Set.  Repeat
      this for the remaining 8 rectangles, giving them Id values of
      "slice_n", "slice_ne", "slice_e", and so on according to the
   5. Save the drawing.
   6. Select all the slice rectangles.  With the slice layer selected,
      you can simply press Ctrl+A to select all rectangles.  The status
      bar should indicate that 9 rectangles are selected.
   7. Click the layer hide icon for the slice layer in the layer palette.
      The rectangles will remain selected, even though they are hidden.
   8. Choose File | Export Bitmap and check the *Batch export 9 selected
      objects* box.  Make sure that *Hide all except selected* is
      unchecked.  click *Export*.  This will create PNG files in the same
      directory as the drawing, named after the slices.  These can now be
      used for a styled box in a GRUB theme.
 7.3 Theme File Manual
 The theme file is a plain text file.  Lines that begin with "#" are
 ignored and considered comments.  (Note: This may not be the case if the
 previous line ended where a value was expected.)
    The theme file contains two types of statements:
   1. Global properties.
   2. Component construction.
 7.3.1 Global Properties
 7.3.2 Format
 Global properties are specified with the simple format:
    * name1: value1
    * name2: "value which may contain spaces"
    * name3: #88F
    In this example, name3 is assigned a color value.
 7.3.3 Global Property List
 title-text             Specifies the text to display at the top
                        center of the screen as a title.
 title-font             Defines the font used for the title
                        message at the top of the screen.
 title-color            Defines the color of the title message.
 message-font           Currently unused.  Left for backward
 message-color          Currently unused.  Left for backward
 message-bg-color       Currently unused.  Left for backward
 desktop-image          Specifies the image to use as the
                        background.  It will be scaled to fit the
                        screen size or proportionally scaled
                        depending on the scale method.
 desktop-image-scale-methodSpecifies the scaling method for the
                        *desktop-image*.  Options are "stretch",
                        "crop", "padding", "fitwidth",
                        "fitheight".  "stretch" for fitting the
                        screen size.  Otherwise it is
                        proportional scaling of a part of
                        *desktop-image* to the part of the
                        screen.  "crop" part of the
                        *desktop-image* will be proportionally
                        scaled to fit the screen sizes.
                        "padding" the entire *desktop-image* will
                        be contained on the screen.  "fitwidth"
                        for fitting the *desktop-image*'s width
                        with screen width.  "fitheight" for
                        fitting the *desktop-image*'s height with
                        the screen height.  Default is "stretch".
 desktop-image-h-align  Specifies the horizontal alignment of the
                        *desktop-image* if
                        *desktop-image-scale-method* isn't equeal
                        to "stretch".  Options are "left",
                        "center", "right".  Default is "center".
 desktop-image-v-align  Specifies the vertical alignment of the
                        *desktop-image* if
                        *desktop-image-scale-method* isn't equeal
                        to "stretch".  Options are "top",
                        "center", "bottom".  Default is "center".
 desktop-color          Specifies the color for the background if
                        *desktop-image* is not specified.
 terminal-box           Specifies the file name pattern for the
                        styled box slices used for the command
                        line terminal window.  For example,
                        "terminal-box: terminal_*.png" will use
                        the images "terminal_c.png" as the center
                        area, "terminal_n.png" as the north (top)
                        edge, "terminal_nw.png" as the northwest
                        (upper left) corner, and so on.  If the
                        image for any slice is not found, it will
                        simply be left empty.
 terminal-border        Specifies the border width of the
                        terminal window.
 terminal-left          Specifies the left coordinate of the
                        terminal window.
 terminal-top           Specifies the top coordinate of the
                        terminal window.
 terminal-width         Specifies the width of the terminal
 terminal-height        Specifies the height of the terminal
 7.3.4 Component Construction
 Greater customizability comes is provided by components.  A tree of
 components forms the user interface.  *Containers* are components that
 can contain other components, and there is always a single root
 component which is an instance of a *canvas* container.
    Components are created in the theme file by prefixing the type of
 component with a '+' sign:
    ' + label { text="GRUB" font="aqui 11" color="#8FF" } '
    properties of a component are specified as "name = value" (whitespace
 surrounding tokens is optional and is ignored) where *value* may be:
    * a single word (e.g., "align = center", "color = #FF8080"),
    * a quoted string (e.g., "text = "Hello, World!""), or
    * a tuple (e.g., "preferred_size = (120, 80)").
 7.3.5 Component List
 The following is a list of the components and the properties they
    * label A label displays a line of text.
      id             Set to "__timeout__" to display the time elapsed
                     to an automatical boot of the default entry.
      text           The text to display.  If "id" is set to
                     "__timeout__" and no "text" property is set then
                     the amount of seconds will be shown.  If set to
                     "@KEYMAP_SHORT@", "@KEYMAP_MIDDLE@" or
                     "@KEYMAP_LONG@" then predefined hotkey
                     information will be shown.
      font           The font to use for text display.
      color          The color of the text.
      align          The horizontal alignment of the text within the
                     component.  Options are "left", "center" and
      visible        Set to "false" to hide the label.
    * image A component that displays an image.  The image is scaled to
      fit the component.
      file           The full path to the image file to load.
    * progress_bar Displays a horizontally oriented progress bar.  It can
      be rendered using simple solid filled rectangles, or using a pair
      of pixmap styled boxes.
      id             Set to "__timeout__" to display the time elapsed
                     to an automatical boot of the default entry.
      fg_color       The foreground color for plain solid color
      bg_color       The background color for plain solid color
      border_color   The border color for plain solid color
      text_color     The text color.
      bar_style      The styled box specification for the frame of
                     the progress bar.  Example:
                     "progress_frame_*.png" If the value is equal to
                     "highlight_style" then no styled boxes will be
      highlight_styleThe styled box specification for the highlighted
                     region of the progress bar.  This box will be
                     used to paint just the highlighted region of the
                     bar, and will be increased in size as the bar
                     nears completion.  Example: "progress_hl_*.png".
                     If the value is equal to "bar_style" then no
                     styled boxes will be shown.
      highlight_overlayIf this option is set to "true" then the
                     highlight box side slices (every slice except
                     the center slice) will overlay the frame box
                     side slices.  And the center slice of the
                     highlight box can move all the way (from top to
                     bottom), being drawn on the center slice of the
                     frame box.  That way we can make a progress bar
                     with round-shaped edges so there won't be a free
                     space from the highlight to the frame in top and
                     bottom scrollbar positions.  Default is "false".
      font           The font to use for progress bar.
      text           The text to display on the progress bar.  If the
                     progress bar's ID is set to "__timeout__" and
                     the value of this property is set to
                     "@TIMEOUT_NOTIFICATION_MIDDLE@" or
                     "@TIMEOUT_NOTIFICATION_LONG@", then GRUB will
                     update this property with an informative message
                     as the timeout approaches.
    * circular_progress Displays a circular progress indicator.  The
      appearance of this component is determined by two images: the
      *center* image and the *tick* image.  The center image is generally
      larger and will be drawn in the center of the component.  Around
      the circumference of a circle within the component, the tick image
      will be drawn a certain number of times, depending on the
      properties of the component.
      id                     Set to "__timeout__" to display the time
                             elapsed to an automatical boot of the
                             default entry.
      center_bitmap          The file name of the image to draw in the
                             center of the component.
      tick_bitmap            The file name of the image to draw for
                             the tick marks.
      num_ticks              The number of ticks that make up a full
      ticks_disappear        Boolean value indicating whether tick
                             marks should progressively appear, or
                             progressively disappear as *value*
                             approaches *end*.  Specify "true" or
                             "false".  Default is "false".
      start_angle            The position of the first tick mark to
                             appear or disappear.  Measured in
                             "parrots", 1 "parrot" = 1 / 256 of the
                             full circle.  Use values "xxx deg" or
                             "xxx \xc2\xb0" to set the angle in
    * boot_menu Displays the GRUB boot menu.  It allows selecting items
      and executing them.
      item_font                     The font to use for the menu item
      selected_item_font            The font to use for the selected
                                    menu item, or "inherit" (the
                                    default) to use "item_font" for
                                    the selected menu item as well.
      item_color                    The color to use for the menu item
      selected_item_color           The color to use for the selected
                                    menu item, or "inherit" (the
                                    default) to use "item_color" for
                                    the selected menu item as well.
      icon_width                    The width of menu item icons.
                                    Icons are scaled to the specified
      icon_height                   The height of menu item icons.
      item_height                   The height of each menu item in
      item_padding                  The amount of space in pixels to
                                    leave on each side of the menu
                                    item contents.
      item_icon_space               The space between an item's icon
                                    and the title text, in pixels.
      item_spacing                  The amount of space to leave
                                    between menu items, in pixels.
      menu_pixmap_style             The image file pattern for the
                                    menu frame styled box.  Example:
                                    "menu_*.png" (this will use images
                                    such as "menu_c.png",
                                    "menu_w.png", 'menu_nw.png", etc.)
      item_pixmap_style             The image file pattern for the
                                    item styled box.
      selected_item_pixmap_style    The image file pattern for the
                                    selected item highlight styled
      scrollbar                     Boolean value indicating whether
                                    the scroll bar should be drawn if
                                    the frame and thumb styled boxes
                                    are configured.
      scrollbar_frame               The image file pattern for the
                                    entire scroll bar.  Example:
      scrollbar_thumb               The image file pattern for the
                                    scroll bar thumb (the part of the
                                    scroll bar that moves as scrolling
                                    occurs).  Example:
      scrollbar_thumb_overlay       If this option is set to "true"
                                    then the scrollbar thumb side
                                    slices (every slice except the
                                    center slice) will overlay the
                                    scrollbar frame side slices.  And
                                    the center slice of the
                                    scrollbar_thumb can move all the
                                    way (from top to bottom), being
                                    drawn on the center slice of the
                                    scrollbar frame.  That way we can
                                    make a scrollbar with round-shaped
                                    edges so there won't be a free
                                    space from the thumb to the frame
                                    in top and bottom scrollbar
                                    positions.  Default is "false".
      scrollbar_slice               The menu frame styled box's slice
                                    in which the scrollbar will be
                                    drawn.  Possible values are
                                    "west", "center", "east"
                                    (default).  "west" - the scrollbar
                                    will be drawn in the west slice
                                    (right-aligned).  "east" - the
                                    scrollbar will be drawn in the
                                    east slice (left-aligned).
                                    "center" - the scrollbar will be
                                    drawn in the center slice.  Note:
                                    in case of "center" slice: a) If
                                    the scrollbar should be drawn then
                                    boot menu entry's width is
                                    decreased by the scrollbar's width
                                    and the scrollbar is drawn at the
                                    right side of the center slice.
                                    b) If the scrollbar won't be drawn
                                    then the boot menu entry's width
                                    is the width of the center slice.
                                    c) We don't necessary need the
                                    menu pixmap box to display the
      scrollbar_left_pad            The left scrollbar padding in
                                    pixels.  Unused if
                                    "scrollbar_slice" is "west".
      scrollbar_right_pad           The right scrollbar padding in
                                    pixels.  Unused if
                                    "scrollbar_slice" is "east".
      scrollbar_top_pad             The top scrollbar padding in
      scrollbar_bottom_pad          The bottom scrollbar padding in
      visible                       Set to "false" to hide the boot
    * canvas Canvas is a container that allows manual placement of
      components within it.  It does not alter the positions of its child
      components.  It assigns all child components their preferred sizes.
    * hbox The *hbox* container lays out its children from left to right,
      giving each one its preferred width.  The height of each child is
      set to the maximum of the preferred heights of all children.
    * vbox The *vbox* container lays out its children from top to bottom,
      giving each one its preferred height.  The width of each child is
      set to the maximum of the preferred widths of all children.
 7.3.6 Common properties
 The following properties are supported by all components:
      The distance from the left border of container to left border of
      the object in either of three formats:
      x              Value in pixels
      p%             Percentage
      p%+x           mixture of both
      The distance from the left border of container to left border of
      the object in same format.
      The width of object in same format.
      The height of object in same format.
      The identifier for the component.  This can be any arbitrary
      string.  The ID can be used by scripts to refer to various
      components in the GUI component tree.  Currently, there is one
      special ID value that GRUB recognizes:
      "__timeout__"  Component with this ID will be updated by GRUB
                     and will indicate time elapsed to an automatical
                     boot of the default entry.  Affected components:
                     "label", "circular_progress", "progress_bar".