web2c: \input braced filename

 4.5.2 '\input' braced filename: '\input{some name}'
 As of Web2c 2020, '\input' filenames in TeX engines (this does not apply
 in Metafont and MetaPost) can also be specified within a TeX group,
 typically curly braces.  For example:
      \input{filename with spaces}
    As always with TeX, the brace characters are not hardwired; what
 counts is the category code: the first token after the '\input' must be
 of catcode 1 (begin group), and it is matched with the next character of
 catcode 2 (end group).
    Within the group-delimited filename, braces are treated as normal
    As with all forms of filenames, following spaces are ignored (after
 the end group), and double quote ('"') characters are ignored within the